Around December through February are photographers’ slowest times. It works out well since I’m getting into the swing of things when school starts up, but now I’m so excited for busy spring! The York family kicked things off and met me downtown, and we had BEAUTIFUL weather! You never know with January in Greenville lately, and this day was sunny and pleasant, and we just beat the rain!
What’s also exciting is Desiree is coming to the workshop next Saturday!! I love getting to work with people multiple times, and in Desiree’s case photographing and now teaching her!
Their little one is absolutely beautiful, and you can’t look at her precious smile and your heart not melt! There’s so much love in this session, and this was such a wonderful family to work with. Let’s just say I fell in love with my job all over again.
York Family | Downtown Greenville, SC Family Session | Downtown Greenville, SC Family Photographer