Do I NEED to Know Manual Mode?

How to learn manual mode | education for photographers by Christa Rene Photography

I still remember telling someone, “I don’t NEED to use manual mode! My camera knows more than I do so I’m just going to let my camera set itself!” WHAT! Oh Christa… You had so much to learn! Mainly manual mode (and a little more confidence!)!

But why was I wrong? Well first, my camera doesn’t really know that much! It’s just guessing on what the sensor is reading. It doesn’t know I want to expose for skin tones, want a blurry background so my subject can pop, and that I include movement through posing that needs to be captured sharply! So even though MAYBE I was telling the truth about my camera knowing more than me then, that didn’t HAVE to be the case!

How to learn manual mode | education for photographers by Christa Rene Photography

I sat down and figured out manual mode. I still remember scrolling through blog post after post reading each part of the exposure triangle and trying to figure it out. I had learned it WASN’T the equipment or camera body that achieved beautiful images, but the PHOTOGRAPHER. That’s why I was able to shoot wedding and build my business before even having a full-frame camera!

If you keep telling yourself that lie, remember this:

Your camera doesn’t HAVE to know more than you!

You CAN learn manual mode, and even if you just know a little of it, you’ll know WAY more than your camera guessing!

Knowing manual mode saves you HOURS in editing!

And you can finally be consistent in your style but getting things right IN-camera!

It might feel scary at first, but I promise once you KNOW manual mode, you’ll never go back to auto. Ever. It can’t compare to you setting your camera with purpose!

Because I believe every photography should have a resource to learning manual mode, I have a course just for you on it! BUT this isn’t JUST for growing photographers. This is also for moms wanting nicer photos of their kids, bloggers, shop owners- ANYONE ready to take their camera to the NEXT level!

How to learn manual mode | education for photographers by Christa Rene Photography

Head to the CR Manual Mode Course here to learn about it and take your images to the next level (and even catch a special discount for the next week!) !

How to learn manual mode | education for photographers by Christa Rene Photography





Do I NEED to Know Manual Mode?



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