5 Things to do Your First Month Engaged | Tips for Brides

What things need to be done right after getting engaged? I remember sitting after Edward proposed, wondering what to start with. Truth is there’s a LOT that goes into wedding planning! But knowing what things to do right away (and remember- you can’t do all the things right away!) will help you feel less overwhelmed! It’s so important to ENJOY this time engaged!

Here are 5 things to do your first month engaged!

Choose your top 2 vendors.

Before choosing a date, you’ll need to know when vendors are free! If your top vendor is your venue, you’ll need a list of their availability. Then, if your second top vendor is your photographer, you’ll need to find out if they’re also free then, or what dates they’re both free! This will help narrow down your date!

Choose your wedding date.

Since you now know when your top vendors are free, you can choose a date! Only so much planning can be done before securing a date, so this will help as you reach out to additional vendors checking availability. Reach out to your family once you have an idea of a date to make sure those most important to you are available!

Determine your budget.

No matter how big or small your budget is, it’s important to know what your budget is set at. This way you can more easily search for vendors and options that you know won’t push you overboard with budget. When Edward and I planned our wedding, photography was my top priority, so I booked that first! Then, I based other vendor decisions keeping into account what was left. I was fine spending less on food since it wasn’t on my top priority list!

Start making your guest list.

While this definitely doesn’t need to be completed, it’s important to figure out a ballpark count as you start planning and reaching out. A big part of determining your venue will be what your count is set at, so knowing an estimate will be helpful! When it becomes time to ask about rentals and catering, a more specific count will be needed.

Spend quality time with your fiancé.

While you’ve been waiting for this time your entire life, don’t forget to spend quality time with your fiancé! Edward and I made a purpose to have some “wedding-planning-free” dates through the process where we could continue building our relationship without letting wedding planning take over.


This is such a special, exciting time!! Enjoy every moment of it, and congratulations on the engagement!!


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5 Things to do Your First Month Engaged | Tips for Brides



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