If you haven’t met Nichole, you need to! She’s one of these people that brings sunshine wherever she goes. I’ve especially been extra thankful for her the past month. Some think photographers just take a few photos and get payed a lot and that’s it. There’s SO much more to it than that, and a LOT of challenging days and situations. Nichole texted me one day asking a question, and from then she’s been such an encouragement to me. Whether we’re asking each other questions, advice, or just sharing some encouraging words, God had Nichole’s friendship come into my life at just the right time. It’s been so amazing reconnecting with her from high school, and seeing her business and her talent for photography pour out.
She’s grown so much in less than a year, and I know she’ll go far with her business! She was actually the first senior I photographed, and then came to my first workshop, so I feel like we have this special photographer connection already 😉
Before she heads to camp for the summer, I brought up possibly exchanging headshot sessions one morning! She is such a beautiful girl, and yes her hair is naturally that beautiful shade of red!! Hair envy much?? Enjoy these head shots then be sure to go visit Nichole Lauren Photography!
Nichole | Head-shots | Greenville, SC Photographer | Christa Rene Photography