I had the joy of spending this morning with sweet Molly! Molly wanted to come to the workshop, but she’s due right around then so we scheduled a one-on-one time to work through manual mode and some posing. She’s a beautiful southern girl, and I think she’s one of the cutest pregnant women around 😉 (But really… isn’t she perfect??)
One thing I mentioned to everyone last workshop was that even if you NEVER want to start your own photography business, manual mode is an amazing thing to learn just for your family. And that’s exactly what Molly’s goal is, and I’m so excited for her!! My parents had an entire box of photos for my oldest sister, half a box for my middle sister, and no photos of me until I’m like 13 (Ok, I’m exaggerating a bit). Don’t do that to your kids! I always joke that I’ll be that mom making their kid pose for photos before every semi-important event!
But now Molly now has the ability to constantly capture the growth of her daughters on a weekly basis if she wants! How cool is that? So of course HAD to get some beautiful shots of this mama-to-be!!
Molly | Mentoring Session